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Adhoc Section Settings

  • This Document shows information of how we can Apply and use different tamplates for different section in Adhoc report


  • Use of Section Settings

Steps to apply Section Settings

  1. Click here & create Adhoc Report using Table by following the given steps. For this example; Follow steps till no:-22.

  2. Click on Docusaurus Slash Introduction icon from the left side of the bottom as shown:

    Docusaurus Slash Introduction

  3. As you click on setting icon one dialog box will shown as below:

    Docusaurus Slash Introduction

  4. When you click on the drop-down of Master Page three option will be shown:

  • CoverPage
  • Default
  • Landscape View
  1. User can select the any of that option as required.

  2. For this example; select CoverPage from the drop-down.

    Docusaurus Slash Introduction

  3. User can also change the Tab name if required.

  4. Click on SAve button & your changes will be saved.

  5. when you run this report you will see selected master pages for that section